Second anchovy fishing season progress for the N-C regions of Peru

Second anchovy fishing season progress for the N-C regions of Peru

     Fishing continues slowly, with a daily average catch for the past seven days reaching approximately 18,000 metric tons of anchovy.

     The anchovy campaign had good days during the past weekend (January 3rd and 4th) and these results helped to maintain a fair final volume of this period (almost 90%), as during the working days the results were irregular and low; the final tonnage landed this time has been slightly smaller than the previous one. Meantime, the sensation of being at the last days of the season is there, as catches are showing more extensive areas where fish are having sexual maturity, and on the other hand the juveniles count is getting bigger, particularly – but not only- in the Central region, where a longer ban prohibiting the activities inside the first 40 miles was set for 15 days, definitely affecting catches until tomorrow (Jan 14th).

     There is no reaction yet from IMARPE with respect to anchovy presenting eggs or even spawning. We heard that they are evaluating how widespread the gonadal development is, before taking decisions. Anyway, more boats have finished their share of quota, and some plants have closed down already, having fulfilled the quota of their fleet.

     The quota for this season was set at 2,510,000 tons, with fishing operations started on November 1st, 2024. Up to date, 2’232,871 MT anchovy have been extracted, meaning 88.96% of the granted quota.

Source: Own elaboration 13/01/2025