Following the new restricting rules that are now being put in force not only in the Austral Pacific (where they have created a sour discussion between farmers and authorities in Chile), but also in North American seas, and responding to environmental concerns, a Chilean company (Ocean Arks Tech) is developing an idea that have just got the U.S. patent: a vessel , of about 170 m length and 60 m beam, that carries several fish cages and can navigate at the open ocean, evading places that could be considered critical or under strict environmental protection.
This company in Chile is presenting a technology that, as they put it , allows operating in the ocean in a simpler way than imagined, using similar logistics to traditional aquaculture but with the advantage of working in the open sea, reducing traffic in channels and protecting coastal communities.
Ocean Arks Tech is now trying to expand and get strategic partners in other salmonids producing countries.